Chess openings as the first stage of the game

The entire result of the game is defined by the quality of the opening. Here we’re going to explain in detail the idea of openings. Also, we’ll discuss the main principles and provide some examples of the most common openings.

In chess, an opening is the initial sequence of moves that starts the game

From the very beginning, there are many options for players to move the pieces. Therefore, there’s a great number of openings. Around a few hundred are documented nowadays, and each one has its own multiple variations.

Here is a curious fact about chess. An American mathematician Shannon was studying a chess board and came to the following conclusion. A number of possible unique games surpass the number of atoms in our universe. It’s not necessary to learn all existing openings for a beginner. Even a professional chess player doesn’t have to do that. It’d be enough to pick several efficient ones for White and Black and practice them. Many interesting facts about the history of chess can be found at

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